NIPW Good Lucha Thing - Card e Infos

Confira no "Mais Informações" o Card do PPV que marcará a primeira ida da New Indy ao México, o NIPW Good Lucha Thing, além de outros detalhes, como Poster e Theme Song.

(Sim, um poster sem nenhum wrestler dessa vez, só para ficar diferente mesmo)

Theme Song:
"This Ain't the End of Me" by White Comic


Jack Swagger

-Tag Team Match-
Reno Scum VS Besties in the Truth

-Single Match-
NIPW Intercontinental Championship
Jesse Sorensen (c) VS DJ Z

-Tag Team Match-
NIPW Tag Team Championships
Hardcore Army (c) VS Euro Invasion

-Single Match-
NIPW World Heavyweight Championship
Tyson Dux (c) VS Jack Swagger

-Main Event-
-Skyler's Last Match on NIPW-
John Skyler VS Corey Hollis

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